Dolphins in Srilanka


About dolphins

😀  Dolphins are a widely distributed and diverse group of aquatic mammals. They are an informal grouping within the order Cetacea, excluding whales and porpoises, so to zoologists the grouping is paraphyletic.

Spinner dolphin

The spinner dolphin is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which it spins along its longitudinal axis as it leaps through the air. 
Mass: 23 – 79 kg (Adult)
scientific name: Stenella longirostris
Length: 1.3 – 2.4 m (Adult)
Trophic level: Carnivorous
gestation period: 10 months
Did you know: The small and slender spinner dolphin varies geographically in colouration and size, but can be identified by its relatively long, slender beak and triangular dorsal fin.

Killer whale(orca)

The killer whale or orca is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. Killer whales have a diverse diet, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey.
Gestation period: 15 – 18 months
Trophic level: Carnivorous
Mass: Male: 3,600 – 5,400 kg (Adult), Female: 1,400 – 2,700 kg (Adult)
Lifespan: Female: 29 years (In captivity), Male: 17 years (In captivity)
Length: Male: 6 – 8 m, Female: 5 – 7 m
Did you Know: An adult orca consumes 100-300 pounds of food a day, depending on the animals size and energy needs.

Risso's dolphin
Risso's dolphin is the only species of dolphin in the genus Grampus. It is commonly known as the Monk dolphin among Taiwanese fishermen.
Mass: 390 kg (Adult)
Scientific name: Grampus griseus
Conservation status: Least Concern
Gestation period: 12 months
Trophic level: Carnivorous

Pilot whale

Pilot whales are cetaceans belonging to the genus Globicephala. The two extant species are the long-finned pilot whale and the short-finned pilot whale.
Life span : 45 years
Scientific name: Globicephala
Mass:  800 kg,: 1,000 – 3,000 kg
Length:  5.7 m,- 5.5 m
Gestation period:16 months,--15 months 
Did you Know: Because of their strong social bonds, whole groups of pilot whales will strand


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